有一個美國人,已經死了,2003年騎車出門的路上被一個醉酒的司機開車撞死。他的網站卻一直存在,好像他還活著一樣,他叫Ken Kifer,就叫他KK好了。
KK騎的是老掉牙的鋼管彎把旅行車,寧可把老舊Schwinn Voyager重新油漆、更換零件,也不願買一輛新車,不是錢的問題,而是經典的車架幾何以及回憶是無可取代的。他的網站從單車通勤、野營、旅行、單車健康、市區騎行技巧、單車維修⋯,一直講到單車人的生活形態、笑話、人性⋯。
2 則留言:
阿桂在友站連結新加一個連結Ken Kifer bike's Page,很優的一個網站.各位可以進去瞧瞧.
何其不幸,Ken Kifer其人於 2003年一次晨騎中,被一位醉漢撞死了.........
As a Nature-lover, I seek natural experiences. I like to watch spring come in, the new leaves on the trees and the flowers along the side of the road. In the heat of the summer, I bicycle along the lake and stop to wade in the water or go for a swim. The fall brings red, yellow, brown, and green hillsides. And bicycling in a new snow or the falling snow is a rare treat here in Alabama. An early morning ride, before the chickens are fully awake, is invigorating. A night ride back in the country includes a star-spangled sky and sometimes falling stars. A bike ride lets me see wild life and birds on scenic mountain roads. The bike brings the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world closer and, when that's not close enough, I can stop anywhere. I love a rest stop in a quiet grove or trees or along a stream.
by Ken Kifer (a really Bike-lover)
How a great scene touching my mind!-mhchang
The Cyclist Lifestyle
在KK的"The Cyclist Lifestyle"看到如下一段話,不知大家認同否,或感受的程度如何?
There are important characteristics that cyclists (bike people, if you prefer) most always share: a love of adventure, a strong whiff of self-sufficiency (self-reliance), a strong desire for good healthy exercise, a love of Nature and the outdoors, and tendencies to 1) waste less, 2) pay less attention to money, 3) not worry about impressing others, and 4) seek the humble pleasures of life.